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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - prime


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Перевод с английского языка prime на русский


1) основной изготовитель, основной изготовитель изделия || основной; главный

2) первичный; первоначальный

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См. в других словарях

  mover первичный двигатель; источник энергии PRIME cost фабричная себестоимость ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. начало, начальный период 2. весна (также the prime of the year) 3. расцвет, лучшее время on the prime of (one's) life, in one's prime —- в расцвете сил; во цвете лет to be cut off in one's prime —- погибнуть в расцвете лет (о человеке); быть задушенным в зародыше (о плане и т. п.) he is past his prime —- пора (его) расцвета миновала; его лучшие годы позади 4. лучшая часть (чего-л.) 5. церк. заутреня (у католиков) 6. рассвет; заря 7. муз. прима; основной тон 8. мат. сокр. от prime number простое число 9. прим, знак штриха 10. прим-позиция, первая позиция (в фехтовании) 11. старинная азартная игра типа покера 12. первоначальный prime cause —- первоначальная причина, первопричина prime entry —- первоначальная или предварительная таможенная декларация prime coating —- спец. грунтовка; стр. первый намет (штукатурки) 13. первичный, исходный prime cost —- эк. себестоимость prime mover —- тех. первичный двигатель the prime postulate of his theory —- исходное положение в его теории 14. простой, несоставной prime number —- мат. простое число 15. главный, важнейший; первый, основной prime advantage —- важнейшее (основное) преимущество prime factor —- главный (основной) фактор of prime importance —- важнейший, первостепенной важности articles of prime necessity —- предметы первой необходимости 16....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  экон. сертификат ПРАЙМ Сертификат, дающий владельцу право на дивиденд и прирост стоимости акции до определенного уровня. Введен в 1983. (От Prescribed Right to Income and Maximum Equity) ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) подвергать (животное) первичному воздействию антигена 2) биохим. служить затравкой ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  фин. сокр. от prescribed right to income and maximum equity PRIME прил. 1) первоначальный, первичный 2) превосходный, отличный, лучшего качества 3) главный, основной, важнейший • - articles of prime necessity - of prime importance - prime advantage - prime banker's acceptance - prime contractor - prime cost - prime manufacturer - prime product - prime rate - prime responsibility ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) грунтовой 2) заполнить 3) заполнять 4) затравливать 5) захлебывание 6) нагрунтовать 7) насыщенный 8) первичный 9) первоначальный 10) прим 11) примарный 12) простое число 13) простой 14) химсредство 15) штрих 16) элементарный absolutely prime ideal — абсолютно простой идеал algebra with prime characteristic — алгебра с простой характеристикой almost prime number — почти простое число associated prime ideal — идеал простой соответствующий asymmetric prime end — асимметрический простой конец completely prime filter — вполне простой фильтр countably prime model — счетно простая модель domain of prime ideals — область главных идеалов essential prime implicant — существенно простая импликанта finite prime divisor — конечный простой дивизор group of prime residue classes — группа классов вычетов, взаимно простых с модулем infinite prime divisor — бесконечный простой дивизор mutually prime ideals — взаимно простые идеалы pairwise relatively prime ideals — попарно взаимно простые идеалы pairwise relatively prime numbers — попарно взаимно простые числа prime explosive cartridge — изготавливать патрон-боевик prime factor decomposition — разложение на простые множители prime ideal space — пространство простых идеалов prime ideal topology — топология простых идеалов prime implicant chart — таблица простых импликантов prime magic square — магический...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) начальный этап процесса 2) мн. ч. высококачественные листы металла 3) продукция из листового металла высшего качества 4) сосновая древесина высшего сорта 5) грунтовать, загрунтовывать 6) заливать (насос) 7) заливать бензин (в карбюратор) 8) устанавливать детонатор в заряд ВВ - cold-rolled primes - hot-rolled primes ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. adj. & n. --adj. 1 chief, most important (the prime agent; the prime motive). 2 (esp. of cattle and provisions) first-rate, excellent. 3 primary, fundamental. 4 Math. a (of a number) divisible only by itself and unity (e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11). b (of numbers) having no common factor but unity. --n. 1 the state of the highest perfection of something (in the prime of life). 2 (prec. by the; foll. by of) the best part. 3 the beginning or first age of anything. 4 Eccl. a the second canonical hour of prayer, appointed for the first hour of the day (i.e. 6 a.m.). b the office of this. c archaic this time. 5 a prime number. 6 Printing a symbol (') added to a letter etc. as a distinguishing mark, or to a figure as a symbol for minutes or feet. 7 the first of eight parrying positions in fencing. Phrases and idioms prime cost the direct cost of a commodity in terms of materials, labour, etc. prime meridian 1 the meridian from which longitude is reckoned, esp. that passing through Greenwich. 2 the corresponding line on a map. prime minister the head of an elected government; the principal minister of a sovereign or State. prime mover 1 an initial natural or mechanical source of motive power. 2 the author of a fruitful idea. prime rate the lowest rate at which money can be borrowed commercially. prime time the time at which a radio or television audience is expected to be at its highest. prime vertical the great circle of the heavens passing through the zenith and the E. and W. points of the horizon. Derivatives primeness n. Etymology: (n.) OE prim f. L prima (hora) first (hour), & MF f. OF prime: (adj.) ME f. OF f. L primus first 2. v.tr. 1 prepare (a thing) for use or action. 2 prepare (a gun) for firing or (an explosive) for detonation. 3 a pour (a liquid) into a pump to prepare it for working. b inject petrol into (the cylinder or carburettor of an internal-combustion engine). 4 prepare (wood etc.) for painting by applying a substance that prevents paint from being absorbed. 5 equip (a person) with information etc. 6 ply (a person) with...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English prim, from Latin prima hora first hour  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. often capitalized the second of the canonical hours  b. the first hour of the day usually considered either as 6 a.m. or the hour of sunrise  2.  a. the earliest stage  b. spring  c. youth  3. the most active, thriving, or satisfying stage or period in the ~ of his life  4. the chief or best individual or part ; pick ~ of the flock, and choicest of the stall — Alexander Pope  5. ~ number  6.  a. the first note or tone of a musical scale ; tonic  b. the interval between two notes on the same staff degree  7. the symbol ? used to distinguish arbitrary characters (as a and a?), to indicate a specific unit (as feet or minutes of time or angular measure), or to indicate the derivative of a function (as p? or f?(x)) — compare double ~  8. ~ rate  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, feminine of prim first, from Latin primus; akin to Latin prior  Date: 14th century  1. first in time ; original  2.  a. of, relating to, or being a ~ number — compare relatively ~  b. having no polynomial factors other than itself and no monomial factors other than 1 a ~ polynomial  c. expressed as a product of ~ factors (as ~ numbers and ~ polynomials) a ~ factorization  3.  a. first in rank, authority, or significance ; principal a ~ example  b. having the highest quality or value ~ farmland  c. of the highest grade regularly marketed — used of meat and especially beef  4. not deriving from something else ; primary  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  III. verb  (~d; priming)  Etymology: probably from 1~  Date: 1513  transitive verb  1. fill, load  2.  a. to prepare for firing by supplying with priming  b. to insert a ~r into (a cartridge case)  3. to apply the first color, coating, or preparation to ~ a wall  4.  a. to put into working order by filling or charging with something ~ a pump with water  b. to supply with an...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (primes, priming, primed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. You use prime to describe something that is most important in a situation. Political stability, meanwhile, will be a prime concern... It could be a prime target for guerrilla attack... The police will see me as the prime suspect! ADJ: ADJ n 2. You use prime to describe something that is of the best possible quality. It was one of the City’s prime sites, near the Stock Exchange. ADJ: ADJ n 3. You use prime to describe an example of a particular kind of thing that is absolutely typical. The prime example is Macy’s, once the undisputed king of California retailers. = classic ADJ: ADJ n 4. If someone or something is in their prime, they are at the stage in their existence when they are at their strongest, most active, or most successful. She was in her intellectual prime... We’ve had a series of athletes trying to come back well past their prime. ...young persons in the prime of life. N-UNCOUNT: usu poss N 5. If you prime someone to do something, you prepare them to do it, for example by giving them information about it beforehand. Claire wished she’d primed Sarah beforehand... Arnold primed her for her duties... The press corps was primed to leap to the defense of the fired officials. = brief VERB: V n, V n for n, be V-ed to-inf 6. to prime the pump: see pump ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj only before noun 1 most important  (Smoking is the prime cause of heart disease. | Our prime concern is getting the economy back on its feet.) 2 of the very best quality or kind  (The hotel is in a prime location overlooking the valley. | prime cuts of beef) 3 be a prime candidate/target etc to be the person or thing that is most suitable or most likely to be chosen for a particular purpose  (The railways are a prime candidate for privatization.) 4 prime example a very typical example of something  (Sherlock Holmes is the prime example of the great detective.) ~2 n 1 be in your prime/be in the prime of life to be at the time in your life when you are strongest and most active  (past your prime)  (Sadly I think the team are past their prime. | be cut off in your prime (=die when you are in your prime)) 2 a prime number ~3 v 1 usually passive to prepare someone for a situation so that they know what to do  (I felt fully primed by the day of the meeting. | prime sb to do sth)  (The witness had been primed to say nothing about the car. | prime sb for sth)  (primed for action) 2 to prepare a gun or mine so that it can fire or explode 3 to put a special layer of paint on a surface, to prepare it for the next layer 4 prime the pump to encourage a business, industry, or activity to develop by putting money or effort into it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Privatize Retain Innovate Modify And Eliminate mil. abbr. Precision Range Integrated Maneuver Exercise funny abbr. Pierre Renewable Integrated Meat And Energy educ. abbr. Partnerships And Reform In Mathematics Education educ. abbr. Personal Responsibility In My Education religion abbr. Presbyterian Refugee And Immigration Ministry Efforts music abbr. Pride Radiates In Music Education gen. bus. abbr. Process Reengineering For Increased Manufacturing Efficiency NASDAQ abbr. PrimeHoldings.Com, Inc. pos. abbr. Prescribed Right To Income And Maximum Equity ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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